

2021 Collaboration

Jung Taek Oh

Ardor Unleashed


There lies the possibility of great potential where no one has ever reached, dared to challenge. Prudence crumbles before ardency, so shall disdain kneel before perseverance in the end.

When the rule of perspective is distorted, dimensional crossover is observed, unfamiliar mixture is disposed,
one can break down the wall and shall be entitled to stand against the old mindsets which are fixing the limits and boundaries.
Prejudice, bias, stereotypes will collapse when one realizes all is what comes from the mind and starts to see outside the box.

Each day has its own destiny. Yesterday is history, today is opportunity while tomorrow is mystery.
The ardor within us, the inner fire to move forward, the will to encounter with unknowns shall carve our future beyond reasons, beyond logics.

a song for tomorrow

theory of imagination

hypotheses of daydream